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e-book writing - self-publish - sales & royalties - promoting

e-book publishing - simple 'how-to' guide

  • Kindle Direct Publishing

  • e-book writing and formatting

  • Proof reading and copy editing

  • Publishing - quick and easy

  • Sell your e-book - quick and easy

  • Choose an Amazon category for your book

  • Getting paid - generous royalties

  • Commission rates

  • Updates and corrections - quick and easy

  • Advertising, Marketing, Promote your book

  • Author Central, Goodreads, Bookbub

  • Social media, email marketing, self promote

  • Converting e-books to paperback - easily

Tram in 1908 - London Road Station Leice

The Sign of the Rose features Leicester London Road Station - when there were trams - horse-drawn, not electric.

You can add illustrations to your e-books and paperbacks,

with Kindle Direct Publishing.

Kindle Direct Publishing

Finding Rose and Rose: The Missing Years were published on the KDP Amazon platform.


The advice on this page is purely for guidance, based only on the author's experience with KDP.

The KDP service is essentially free, allowing you to self-publish without incurring up-front cost.


e-book writing and formatting

When you subscribe to KDP you have access to step-by-step instructions on how to take your final draft manuscript to a published e-book.

The author used a version of Word from which manuscript files were uploaded onto KDP. Once uploaded, final formatting and the addition of a front cover was carried out.


Proofing and publishing


Previews of the e-book are then available to you (only). This allows you to check how the e-book will appear as well as making any changes before you press the 'Publish' button.


Start selling (almost) immediately

You set pricing for the UK sales and the international markets you wish to reach. KDP help you with this.


You specify categories under which you want it to appear on Amazon. (e.g. Romantic Fiction), and the publication date date.

You specify categories under which you want it to appear on Amazon. (e.g. Romantic Fiction), and the publication date date.


How do you get paid?

Amazon lists your book for sale once it has reviewed and accepted your final draft. Amazon accepts and fulfills all orders. 


Amazon pays royalties into the bank account you set up when subscribing 
to KDP, based on previous sales.


How much commission do you earn?


This can vary depending on the terms to which you agree, but can be up to 70% of the selling price.


This compares favourably with the 15% earned from conventional publishing.


Updates, amendments, corrections

If, after publishing your book, you 

discover an error or wish to change the

text - don't worry. You simply log into your account, make your changes, and re-publish.


Your corrected book will be on sale again within a few hours. You can also suspend publication if you wish.


Advertising, Marketing and Promotion

You do not have to spend money to promote your book unless you want to.


But unlike conventional publishers who promote and distribute your book for you, you will need a plan.

Marketing help for authors on KDP


KDP offers hints, tips, advice as well as promotional services - including listing you on GoodReads, Author Central.


It also enables you to run 'price promotions' and giveaways.

Otherwise, basically, 'you are on your own' when it comes to making sales.


Self-promote on social media


If you have a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account, consider ways to self-promote to family and friends.


Consider the email marketing option if you have your own email list.


How many words do you need to write for a novel?

Consider 50,000 words a minimum for a novel, with 60,000 to 80,000 your aim.


Anything less is a 'novella', anything more is quite acceptable.


Use your judgement for the optimum length for your genre or target market.


Can you convert your e-book to a printed paperback?




Advice offered on this page is just that - for guidance only based on the author's experience.

It is the reader's responsibility to check the precise KDP terms and conditions, which may be subject to change.

You can even design your own book front cover - like this example

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