New Novel Writer
READ MY SHORTS - poems and short stories by John Morey
Plus recollections from the Rock and Roll years of the Fifties and Sixties
Poetry and prose to be read at a session - or quicker - from the author of 'Love should never be this hard'
A simple reminder of the value of the earth's richest commodity. In verse.
Two true events that have laid buried for sixty years.
A young journalist in 1930's Kentucky recounts how love can last and be re-born against the odds.
Sometimes when a friend needs you most, you are powerless to help.
If only they could talk! These birds can - and what a tale they tell.
He turned out all right (in the end)
Even the strongest can be vulnerable, but what doesn't kill you...
Losing a companion can be bearable, as long as you are happy as to where - and why - you have lost them.
Memoir of a Blaby Boy: 1950-1970
At one level, self-indulgent but, look below the surface and the vibrant twenty or so years after the war come vividly to life. A sneak peek into village life long forgotten needs to be preserved and is - here.
The (Rock and Roll Years at the) County Arms
Lest we forget - the mecca for rock and rollers remembered for all time.
Make your choice - eBook, paperback or hardback
NOW AVAILABLE in READ MY SHORTS - a compilation of poems, short stories and memoirs - on Amazon.
If you enjoy read-in-a-session short stories then these Three Easy Pieces may be just what you're looking for.
'The Black Hound of Dartmoor' is the main tale of mystery combined with a haunting and a touch of romance, set in the late 1800's.
It leaves you to decide what is truth and what is legend. But the location is certainly real, capturing and preserving a way of life, much of which has since disappeared.
But not all...
'Love's Too Short' and 'You only Love Once' each explore relationships in a coming-of-age context - one somewhat humorous, the other a rather sad tale but, as ever, ending with a message of hope.
P.S. For those who prefer a longer read, preview those below before you buy...
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