Grab reader's attention. Q: How?
A: No. 1 - the all-important first paragraph
If not your 'capturing' your reader, what if you're submitting a book to an agent? a short story to an editor in a magazine? or entering a competition?
Then make the first paragraph fill them with so much enthusiasm, they have to read on. It's one of the essential creative writing ingredients: reader retention.
Some say it's 'priority one'; others may argue the title is equally important and - even more so - the front cover design.
< This links to A GREAT EXAMPLE
OK. So both may be true in making readers pick up your book out of a line-up (on a web page, bookshop or library). I would go further. Book blurb and the author's bio play a big part in the 'purchase'.
Assume those have played their part and your book is open at Chapter One...
what takes the reader past the first page?
Here are a few suggestions.

*Pose 'a question'
Place doubt and curiosity in the reader's mind. Promise them a journey answering that question, or resolving that issue.
Of course, it has to be a journey the reader wants to go on - so interesting characters, location, exciting event, or an emotional situation central to the story needs to be introduced - swiftly and effectively.
(Here's where context needs to be obvious in the cover design, title or blurb.)
Note: All this 'action' has to be in the first paragraph. You may need several drafts before you pack all this 'juice' into just a few lines. (See our advice on building 're-writes' into your creative writing discipline.)
* Reader's curiosity into 'what happens next' is the key.
By this I also mean that, say, if you've introduced interesting characters, supply the reader with enough 'need' to discover, understand, and get to know them in the pages that follow.
Note: This reminds me of a book - a bestseller - I began reading and (I will never understand how I managed this) I was half way through the novel and I suddenly realized 'I don't care what happens to this person'. So I abandoned the book and gave it to a charity shop.
So - caring, sharing, and empathy with the lead character - even liking or disliking - are important. But in as few words as possible.
* Location and setting add relevance
Connect readers with historically time-based, geographical 'location', or based in a particular situation (e.g. war, country village, school or office, sports background, etc).
Your first paragraph needs to 'win over' the reader - delivering their expectations based on whatever led them to pick the book in the first place. Ensure the reader is confident you know what you are talking about - as in, that you've 'been there'. Living it with you.
* Setting the right tone for the genre
Thrillers need short, sharp sentences; conversely, introducing the reader to a peaceful village scene (with a church in the background and a game of cricket in progress under its shadow) may need longer sentences (but not too long) and more description (but not too much) to get the reader in the right mood.
* Too much DETAIL in the first paragraph
...can overwhelm the reader... such as too many characters. Remember, you only have one paragraph - the first one - to grab - and hold - the reader's attention. The action needs to be simple and concise, the number of people as few as possible (too many names confuse), and not too much plot revealed initially. Again, leave the reader with a sense of anticipation, wanting to know more - but with a promise that all will be revealed as the story unfolds.
Initially, focus on a small segment of what will ensue later.
Phew! That is so much to take in. BUT DON'T PANIC! You don't have to apply all the *starred* items above in the one paragraph.
Remember, these are pointers, suggestions - not instructions. Use what works for you.
If (like me) you get 'interested' in a single character - then build a profile the reader can really get to know. Or, in a crime thriller, if the 'mystery and suspense' comes over strongly in the first paragraph, that may be all you need to get people to read on to find 'whodunnit'.
But wait - I've left one feature out.
DIALOGUE - an essential creative writing ingredient
Skillfully written, this can be just as powerful as description. If you haven't already tried it as an opener, give it a go. You may also find my article on Dialogue helpful - here. I hope so.
Here's some more advice.
You may have read my earlier article about the time I introduced a new beginning to a novel after I 'd finished it. (Or thought I had.) Yes, a whole new chapter but, of course, this also meant a new 'first paragraph'. It's totally allowed!
Make your own rules. Write and re-write several drafts of a new beginning/paragraph until it feels right. Test them on friends and family.
Make it the last thing you do before sending off your MS to an agent, for self-publishing, or to a magazine editor or entering a competition if it's a short story.
It's that important.
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